Sound Journey: Entering the Bardo

Sunday, November 19 8:00pm — 9:30pm

with Tom Kubik and David Gross

Join Tom Kubik and David Gross for a sound journey featuring traditional Tibetan bowls, chimes, gongs and underscored by the deep tones of amplified synthesizer.

Sign Up • $35

In Tibetan Buddhism, the bardo is the place a soul must cross between lifetimes, a 49-day journey between two incarnations during which the soul is releasing from the body. We will use the metaphor of death and rebirth to prepare for a transition into the darkest season, a time for slowing down, reflection and transformation.

We will open with a somatic meditation followed by guided breathwork to relax the body and prepare for a journey through soundscapes created by traditional Tibetan bowls, chimes, gongs and underscored by the deep tones of amplified synthesizer. There will be an opportunity to reflect and share before closing.

$35 (members save 10%). Tickets are non-refundable.

About Tom Kubik

Tom Kubik guides with a comprehensive tool belt that includes somatic experiencing, Siddha yoga, Theravada Buddhism, reiki, sound healing, psychedelic journeying, and lived experience of grief, light and resilience.

About David Gross

David Gross is a pianist, synthesist and composer with over twenty years of experience as songwriter, producer, and touring musician. He is also a co-owner of Highland Park Yoga.